Spotlight shines on: Lifeless courtyard needs renovations


The courtyard was once a place of peace and a way for students to connect with nature while at school. Students could enjoy lunch, catch a breeze, and possibly view wildlife. Not being outside all day can make a person mad, and the courtyard is necessary when spring rolls around, when students can’t stop thinking about getting some sunshine and fresh air. Some feel today that the last year’s seniors greatly disrespected the courtyard and trashed it for everyone this year. The picnic tables were written on, and there was litter from lunch strewn all around. Some of this litter is still seen today. Some students may feel like they do not have to respect the courtyard because it is not very attractive in the first place. The school should add trash cans to prevent litter, and various clubs would surely want to paint them with tiger stripes or paw prints. The crumbly benches and picnic tables could do with a new paint job or maybe just a little work from the woodshop classes. Environmental Club could do some gardening, or add something they want as well. Reviving the courtyard would not take too much effort if every club added just a little something to it. A new style to the courtyard would bring up the value of the school as a whole, and looking out those windows would actually be pleasant instead of painful.