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The student news site of South Hadley High School



Brooke O'Neill

Brooke O’Neill, Staff Reporter

Brooke is currently a sophomore at South Hadley High School. She found herself unexpectedly switching from art to journalism in the second semester. Even though joining the Spotlight crew wasn’t a part of her original plan, she intends to use the opportunity to help improve her writing skills. Brooke enjoys the idea of writing about things that interest her, as well as being able to share those things with others. She is also eager to learn new things, whether that be with writing stories or even photography. Although unsure of what to expect, she hopes this class will become one she looks forward to each day. When not focusing on academics, Brooke enjoys spending quality time with family, mostly her little brother, Brody. She also enjoys shopping, reading, paddle boarding, and trips to the beach. 

All content by Brooke O’Neill