Weight Room Opinions


Griffin Blackburn and Mikey Cebula

The weight room is finally back at South Hadley High School after six long months of being covered in mold. The people seem to love it. Loud music, fun times and being surrounded by friends, the cheering of fellow classmates and friends when hitting a PR and just the vibe, it’s really an experience. We decided to interview some students about it, as well as trying it out for ourselves and the results we got back were overwhelmingly positive.

“I think the weight room is very good for a school gym,” said Nolan Craven, a 10th grade student at South Hadley High School. He is a big fan of the weight room and says it’s a good place to work out and have a good time. His only complaint was about the lack of mirrors. “When I’m lifting, I usually like to see the pump,” meaning he likes to see his progress as he goes on through his weightlifting journey.

We even had our very own Michael Cebula go in the weight room and give it his own thoughts. “I thought it was very cool to finally have a bigger weight room and not a tiny cramped space like the one we had before it was covered in mold.” said Michael Cebula. “The bond that the football team shared when lifting together in early September was truly one of a kind.” he said. He looks forward to lifting with the team this summer and getting back into football season.  

Last but certainly not least, we interviewed Sly Curto for his thoughts on the new weight room. When asked how he felt about it he had this to say, “I honestly like it a lot, it has everything you could need out of a school weight room.” We also asked him about the equipment, “I think it could benefit from some more equipment, a little bit of everything.” Ultimately Sly ended up giving the weight room a 3.5/5 tiger paws.

Finally, we asked all of them what their thoughts were on who it should be offered to and Curto has this to say, “Truthfully yeah, I think a lot of people could benefit from the weight room and it’s really only offered to people who take gym class.”

Ultimately we think that the weight room coming back is a great addition to the school and if you haven’t already you should check it out and try it for yourself.