School rules neglected

The rules at this school are seeming to become more strict, when in reality, some of them are being just as ignored as they were a few years ago. The School administration is taking rules that teachers don’t inforce regularly, and using them as incentive to do things they want.

Not only have rules become less strict, they are actually being ignored by most teachers. Rules should either be enforced, or taken away.

One rule has been a student cannot wear hats in school. In the time I have been in this school, that rule has gone from no hats whatsoever to only in the halls and in the cafeterias. Now, there is such thing as a hat day, where if a person wants to wear a hat, they can pay to do so. I see people wearing hats in the classrooms everyday. I see people wearing hoods, both in classrooms and out of classrooms, which has a rule against it.

A rule that has been suspended was the drink rule. Not too long ago, the school used this as a way to reward the A- block that brought in the most canned/ prepackaged food. The A- block that brought in the most cans could bring in an outside drink, such as coffee, to class for three days.

This school is moving away from what it  used to be. Even in the last five years we have gone through four principals. With each one of those principals have come different ways of running the school, as well as the development of different rules.

We, as students, are being told that it is okay to break a rule if they want, as long as they have ‘won’ something. The rule must not important if the people who made the rule (ie, the school’s administration) are saying it’s okay to break, if only for a day.

This may be a good lesson for the real world, it shows that a person can get away with anything, as long as they have the power to get away with it. It goes to show that if a person is given power, they will abuse it.

Mastorakis can be reached at [email protected]