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The student news site of South Hadley High School



John Harrison

John Harrison, Staff Reporter

John is a member of the Class of 2025 at South Hadley High School. He began writing for Spotlight his freshman year. He got involved when he thought Spotlight was searching for people to be interviewed; what he did not realize is that Spotlight was actually looking for people to write stories! John took the opportunity to write a story and has at times found it rewarding. John tends to like to write stories about policies and events that affect any South Hadley school or the town in general. John is currently a part of the high school's jazz band, and is the freshman class Secretary. When John has spare time he is often communicating with friends, or walking around his street. John has enjoyed his first year of high school despite the troubles with the mold. He is interested to see where his journalism brings him.

All content by John Harrison