Listening to music during study helps the brain


“Personally, music helps me focus in class. I think it should be allowed when taking notes depending on each person rather than the teacher deciding for the class.”

— Andrei Danilchenko

In classrooms around the high school, students are getting in trouble for something common. Earbuds. Students have their ear buds in during class and having their phones taken away. However, not all teachers practice this. Some teachers find nothing wrong with a student listening to music, while others crack down hard.

I believe that students should be allowed to listen to music as long as it is not a distraction to those who need complete silence in order to focus. Personally, I get more tasks accomplished when I am listening to music due to the fact that it keeps me awake and focused.

While some students seem to focus better when listening to their tunes while taking notes, some teachers find it as a distraction. Junior, Andrei Danilchenko says, “Personally, music helps me focus in class. I think it should be allowed when taking notes depending on each person rather than the teacher deciding for the class.”

Some teachers refuse to let students listen to music while they work due to possible distractions. However, Brianna Ingham had replied, “I listen to music in Woodshop, sometimes French. I’m not allowed to listen to it in my other classes though.” Students often find it easier to take notes and focus on what they are learning when they are plugged in. Some teachers have no problem with this, however many still do.

“ I do agree that music helps some studFlickr photo by Jake Belluccients to stay focused while others need a quieter atmosphere.” says Principal Diana Bonneville, “While I can see how students would want to listen to music during individual work, often it is distracting, especially when some try to push the envelope and sneak ear buds on during teacher instruction.”

Page 31 of the Code states that disobeying the instructions of school personnel regarding the use of electronics violates the school electronic policy. However, individual teachers do have the ability to allow headphones when deemed appropriate. Teachers agreed to enforce this rule so teachers and students are on the same page with the rule.


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