Metal core gives sanctuary to those who don’t fit in


Some people today give metal music a bad rap for being “demonic” or “depressing,” when they don’t actually take the effort to listen to the meaning behind the lyrics of the song. Every school has that outcast, the quiet one. They are often misunderstood by society. Music is the voice of the soul, the way someone expresses their emotions. Music is the voice for the voiceless. One specific genre that runs into harsh stereotypes that aren’t necessarily true, is screamo music or metal- core.
Mitch Lucker of the band Suicide Silence once said, “You call it demonic because you hear the screaming, I call it life changing because I hear the meaning.”
Have you ever sat back and listened to the lyrics of a metal core song? Bands such as Crown the Empire, Sleeping with Sirens, I See Stars, Pierce the Veil and many more focus the meaning of their songs on love and getting through everyday life.
The people who listen to this type of music are trying to show their emotions through the voice that they may not have. “Can’t promise that things won’t be broken, but I swear that I will never leave” are lyrics in a Sleeping With Sirens song. To me, this does not sound demonic.
My favorite line from a Crown the Empire song is, “Never let life kill your spark.” This line is very important to me because it is saying how no matter what happens in life, as long as you keep up hope, you can get through anything. You should not let the small bad parts of life change who you truly are, no matter what.
Music is a way of life, no matter what genre. However, metal should not be shot down so easily, especially if no one gives it a chance. The true meaning behind a song depends on how you interpret it.
Lucker also said, “Keep listening to music, because it gets you through everything, I promise.” Throughout hard times in my life, I have often found myself drawn to music to ease the pain. I often lay in bed, close my eyes and listen to this music.
I strongly believe that everyone should be able to listen to a music genre without being classified or stereotyped by society. Music has gotten me through a lot of situations, as well as many other people. I get chills listening to the lead vocalists pour out their hearts in metalcore songs and with the effort of every member of the band, the music comes to life because of how much I, as well as others, go through the same things that celebrities, or band members do.
Most people don’t realize that the bands that they classify as “demonic,” are actually teens and young adults who had struggles throughout their life. They wrote these songs as a way to let present day teenagers know that there is hope, and that you can make it through anything as long as you have faith and don’t give up on yourself and those around you.

Roman may be reached at [email protected]