The Rise of COVID This Fall

November 10, 2020
As we get closer to the colder weather, more people are staying indoors to keep warm. But what will this mean for the spread of COVID-19?
As we know, staying outside while wearing a mask and social distancing is so far the best way to prevent the spread of COVID. But, as the weather starts to get colder and we start to get snow, it’s most likely that people will be staying inside. This seriously increases the risk of people getting this deadly virus and giving it to other people. Lately, even small gatherings have been a big part in the spread.
“It is thought that the virus may also spread to hands from a contaminated surface and then to the nose, mouth or eyes, causing infection,” the Center for Disease Control’s website states. This being said, indoors is probably not the best idea to have gatherings of more than 6-10 people. If so, another thought is to wear a mask inside, even if it’s just your house, and still try to social distance.
We all miss our families and friends. But following the guidelines is the best thing we can do right now to keep each other safe. It’s better to not see them for a certain amount of time rather than have them on a ventilator or possibly dying.