Captain America Civil War: One epic clash you don’t want to miss
Another epic marvel film hits the theaters this May with large audiences eager to watch. The third Captain America movie meticulously delivers a battle between the inner morals of the avengers. Conflict arises between the avengers when political and government leaders want to add a system of restriction and ownership among them. In the past avengers movies, the superheros have caused tons of damage to civilization when they get into battles. The destruction is hard to avoid when you’re trying to save the planet. However, the government is not in favor with this recurring outcome. Major conflict is created due to the disagreement between Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), and Captain America (Chris Evans). One believes in the freedom to protect the people without government involvement, whilst the other believes that government order will keep them in check. While the government involvement decision is slowly tearing the avengers apart, someone else is mysteriously trying to do the same.
Before seeing this film, I had mediocre expectations. It is the third movie in a sequence of movies about one specific superhero, so how badass would it really be? My expectations were exceeded when the credits rolled at the end. I thought this movie was brilliant and better than I ever expected. I liked this movie equally, or even slightly more, than the actual avengers movies.
The scenes were constantly changing with fresh new dialogue and action. There were new avengers in the film, such as black panther, ant man, and Spider-Man. There were comedic parts throughout the whole movie and explanations of the plot were clear the entire time. The appearance and hysterical one-liner from comic book writer, Stan Lee, makes the whole movie at the end.
I was very impressed with Captain America Civil War, despite Iron Man being my favorite superhero. I am super excited for future marvel films. I cannot wait for every hero and villains stories to all combine at the end. The movie was very enjoyable and I personally suggest watching this.
5 out of 5 paws: Devour it!